Chalita has a background in Psychology, a BSc degree and 16 years of mentoring experience within varying capacities. Her passion for helping people overcome what they perceive to be insurmountable problems is paramount. NLP is something that Chalita has practised for many years and she is now using her knowledge and experience to help others create a more positive and fulfilling life for themselves. Chalita firmly believes that dreams and goals can easily become reality with a positive mindset, clear focus and determination.
In today’s society people often talk about setting goals to become the person they would like to be. Goals can be set in life for career development, health, fitness and relationships but often people don’t know how to successfully achieve them. Without clear focus and a committed path to follow, goals can quickly become overwhelming and too difficult to achieve.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an intervention that has been successfully utilised to combat the stresses and strains of everyday life since the 1970’s. It is a practice that is driven by establishing the root cause of many issues including anxiety, depression, fears and phobias. The practitioner works closely to build resilience and provide the client with simple tools and techniques to address and overcome these issues.
NLP can be viewed as a positive platform incorporating a greater level of mindfulness and control in which the client can draw upon in the future. The person with the greatest flexibility has the most successes. If you are ready to move forward and overcome the barriers and obstacles that are holding you back from being the person you truly are; contact Chalita today and become the very best version of you.